I lived an
ordinary life. Perhaps it was life of loss, maybe even a lonely life, but
ordinary all the same. Never in a million years could I have predicted the
events that would unfold after that fateful delivery. Some Seer I
But that doesn't matter any more, that life, the one I'd
thought was my reality, was nothing more than a weakly constructed facade. The
lines between reality and fiction have blurred, leaving me with nothing but the
cold hard facts. The world is vastly different than I ever understood.
Guardians and Seers are real, and I have the power within me to tip the balance
in a war between good and evil that had been brewing since the beginning of
time. The fight was coming to a head and the outcome hinged entirely upon me.
I have to make an impossible choice. Would I step into my
role as a Seer and face the growing Darkness head on, or would I cower and let
everyone I loved suffer and die?
The Darkness will rise and the Prophecy remains, the Seer
must Fall.
So Fall I will.
Friendships, love, and sacrifice will all play out
transforming Izzy into the Seer of prophecy. Find out what happens in The
Chronicles of Izzy.
About Michelle Graves
Michelle Graves is a self-proclaimed nomad, moving every two
to three years with her husband the Army man, her beautiful daughter, and a fat
tailless cat named Torri. When she is not writing away trying to purge her mind
of yapping characters she can be found entertaining her daughter, attempting to
craft (whilst trying not to injure herself with the glue gun), baking yummy
treats, or reading. She admits to having a restless spirit and forces her
family to go out on adventures whenever possible. They lovingly play along.
Psssssst. I love you!!!!!!!