Monday, March 31, 2014

SPELLED (Book Two of the Casted Series) by Sonya Loveday - Release Day Blitz!!!


Book 2 of the Casted Series

Now Available!

spelled_promoConfused by the turn of events, Jade is only sure of four things: My name is Jade Kinsley. I’m 20 years old. I’m an Enforcer for the Triad. And I have a debt to settle with Original Coven. Will Jade be able to break through the spell her Grandfather put on her and remember who she is, or will she become just another piece in Lorenzo’s game? links Amazon logo Kobo abouttheauthor Sonya2Sonya Loveday, first and foremost, is a reader, an avid one. It is of that love that brought her to the realization that this was the answer to the nagging persistant feeling that 'there has to be something more'. The dream came alive in 2009 when she purchased her lapton and began the tedious step of becoming a pubished author. When she's not reading, she's writing. When she's not writing she's reading. And when she's not doing either of those things she's sleeping, shuttling her children back and forth to school, letting the dogs and cats in and out of the house for the upteenth time in the last hour and dreaming of a clean house. You can find Sonya on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Wordpress

Dauntless Indies is proud to be part of the Liv's Existence by B.L. Mooney Blog Tour and GIVEAWAY!!!

Liv's Existence Blog Tour BannerSynopsis

First in a two part series.


Ten years. Countless miles.

I thought I had run far enough away that he’d never find me. The man who destroyed my sense of safety and introduced me to the evils of the world came back looking for forgiveness. How can I forgive him when I haven’t forgiven myself? I look at his fiancée and wonder how she could love a man so cruel. However, the closer I look at her, the more I realize that maybe she doesn’t love him after all.

What has he done to her? I have to find out.


Many tears. Countless men.

I thought I’d found the one man who wouldn't break my heart. Two weeks before our wedding day, he came clean with his dirty past and shattered our future. He’s asking me to still love him, but how can I love a man so cruel? I look at the woman he destroyed, and I feel compelled to do everything I can to help her. I know what it’s like to be broken by this man.

Can I help her to live life again instead of just existing? I have to find out.

Ages 18+ due to adult situations and violence. Some situations may be difficult for some readers.

Buy Now

Liv Existence Cover




“Why did you call me that? Who told you that name?” I just looked at her in total disbelief that she could willingly be with someone like him—and she obviously was if she knew that name.

“He told me.” She seemed to hesitate before continuing. Maybe she was afraid I’d go running back into the stall. Shrugging one shoulder, she said, “He told me everything. That’s why we’re here . . . to confront the past.”

Anger, rage, and hatred all bubbled up to the surface. They were all strong emotions, and they were threatening to explode out of me. I wanted to hit her for acting so nonchalant about the whole thing, as if it were no big deal. Mostly, I wanted to hit her because she just confessed she knew everything and was still planning a wedding. Then again, were they really getting married or were they there just to terrorize me? If she wanted to be the bitch that married the devil, so be it. I sure as hell wasn’t planning the wedding for them.

“What about what I want?” I started yelling and walking toward her. “I don’t want to confront anything, just as I didn’t want that ten years ago! How dare you come in here and act all concerned about my well-being when you know what he’s done, what he’s taken. Does he want to clear his conscience before he gets married? Does he want to hear me say I forgive him? You can both burn in hell!”

To her credit, she never backed, away and every step I took toward her only seemed to cement her foundation of strength. I wished I could’ve found an ounce of that will and strength. As the tears started falling and the uncontrollable shaking started again, I was helped to the sofa before I crumbled to the floor. Accepting help from the woman that was going to marry the one person I despised most—and terrorized my peace of mind daily—was a very difficult thing to do, but the alternative of lying on the restroom floor wasn’t an option I wanted to seek.

There were many things I had to give her credit for at that moment, such as her willingness to pull back when I curled up on the sofa. I could tell she wanted to console me in some way. She held her hand out several times and hovered over my shoulder, but never touched me longer than getting me to sit down. She wasn’t yelling at me that it was my fault or denying anything I said. She allowed me to yell my accusations without throwing any back at me to disarm me.

The biggest credit I had to give her was the fact she knew when to walk away. “I’ll leave you for now, but you’ll have questions.” She held out her business card, but I couldn’t take it. After laying it on the sofa next to me, she started for the door. “My cell is on the back. Call day or night. I’ll answer everything you want to know. It’ll only be me you deal with from now on. No one else will contact you again.” She hesitated. “I’m sorry about doing this in public. I really thought he was right when he said you needed people around the first time you saw him. I’m not sorry we came, but I do wish we had taken it to a more private setting.”

Unsure of what that comment meant, I slowly sat up, leaving her card on the sofa where she had laid it. I felt drained, and having nothing else to say, I just stared at her with my arms crossed. The room felt tense and awkward, but we both held each other’s gaze. I didn’t see the evil in her eyes as I did when I looked at Adam. Her eyes held compassion and understanding. At that moment, I could tell she really wasn’t a bad person, and I couldn’t hate her—no matter how much I really wanted to.

Several times throughout our short interaction, I watched as she almost lost her composure. Each time I had hoped she would’ve lost it just a little bit more, but she was always able to regain it quickly. She was shaken to her core just as I was, but she didn’t have memories flooding her and terrorizing her as I did—that were ripping me apart. Not wanting to give her any satisfaction, I resolved to take her card only after she left. I knew I’d call her to get answers that I desperately wanted, but I wanted her to squirm a little, as I’d had to do that night.




B.L. Mooney started writing when the voices and storylines in her head ran out of room. They were getting too cramped and neither B.L. nor the characters could take it anymore, so she did the only thing she could do--she made room. She always knew she wanted to write, but vowed to make time for it later. Now that she's made time for writing, most everything else falls to the wayside. That seems to suit the characters that keep popping up just fine.

B.L. lives in the Midwest and her other talents include in-demand cookies, a very dry sense of humor, and stealth eavesdropping. Some mannerisms, attitudes, or twists come from random sentences picked up while passing by strangers. So speak up the next time you have something to gossip about. You never know, it may just end up on the pages of the next book you read.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Friday, March 21, 2014

COVER REVEAL!!! The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller by L.B. Simmons!

We are very excited to share with you the amazing cover to L.B. Simmons' newest book, The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller, releasing April 22nd!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Dauntless Indies is proud to be a Blog Tour stop for See How She Falls (The Chronicles of Izzy #3) by Michelle Graves!

Shawn's Review

**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

*****5 Stars!*****

Izzy and the gang are back!  And wow…are they busy!  Let me start by saying that Graves’ third installment in The Chronicles of Izzy does not disappoint.  Graves upped the ante in See How She Falls by creating a decidedly darker storyline, but not one that is entirely unexpected.  Fans of the series (as this is not a standalone) have been preparing for a blockbuster continuation of the series, and that is exactly what is delivered. 

See How She Falls is chockablock full of unique characters, some we know and some we meet here.  Graves has a knack for creating people with eccentricities, and that certainly holds true in See How She Falls.  You either love them or you hate them, but you can’t deny their entertainment value.  The cast of characters along with the action-packed storyline move this book right along. 

See How She Falls is a real page-turner.  Graves doesn’t skimp on the action, the intrigue or the mystery. Within the pages of this book is also one of the most touching, heartfelt scenes between two characters I’ve had the pleasure of reading.  Get ready for this one, y’all.  Graves brings it, and she brings it hard!  Is book 4 ready yet, huh, is it ready??

See How She Falls is not a standalone, you must read See How She Runs and See How She Fights first!

See How She Runs


One delivery changed her whole life. 

Izzy was a normal girl living in Chicago as a bike messenger before that fateful day. She delivered one package and set into action a chain of events she never could have expected. 

Now she is running for her life from the Corporation, her best friend is not at all who he seemed, and to top it all off she keeps having visions. 
Will she survive to navigate the waters as a Seer? Will her feelings for Kennan be her very downfall? Find out in See How She Runs. 

Coming Mid-March to all other retailers!

See How She Fights


She thought it was over. 
She thought her life was finally her own. 
She was wrong. 

Izzy is thrust back into the world of Seers and Guardians. With a summons from the Council she can't ignore, Izzy heads back into the fray. Now, it is up to her to figure out why Seers are being sacrificed, carved up, and left for ruin. If she doesn't find the person orchestrating the deaths, she may well be next. 

If that wasn't enough, her powers have started to expand exponentially. Kennan is keeping secrets. Moreover, a strangely familiar Symbol-smith starts wreaking havoc on her precariously balanced world. 

Will Izzy survive this latest crisis? Will she stop fighting destiny and accept her fate? Find out in See How She Fights. 

Coming Mid-March to all other retailers!

Meet the Author

Michelle Graves is a self-proclaimed nomad, moving every two to three years with her husband the Army man, her beautiful daughter, and a fat tailless cat named Torri. When she is not writing away trying to purge her mind of yapping characters she can be found entertaining her daughter, attempting to craft (whilst trying not to injure herself with the glue gun), baking yummy treats, or reading. She admits to having a restless spirit and forces her family to go out on adventures whenever possible. They lovingly play along.

Social Media Links


BOOK BLITZ - Liv's Existence by B.L. Mooney

LivsExistence_BlitzBanner Synopsis
First in a two part series.
Ten years. Countless miles.
I thought I had run far enough away that he’d never find me. The man who destroyed my sense of safety and introduced me to the evils of the world came back looking for forgiveness. How can I forgive him when I haven’t forgiven myself? I look at his fiancée and wonder how she could love a man so cruel. However, the closer I look at her, the more I realize that maybe she doesn’t love him after all.
What has he done to her? I have to find out.
Many tears. Countless men.
I thought I’d found the one man who wouldn't break my heart. Two weeks before our wedding day, he came clean with his dirty past and shattered our future. He’s asking me to still love him, but how can I love a man so cruel? I look at the woman he destroyed, and I feel compelled to do everything I can to help her. I know what it’s like to be broken by this man.
Can I help her to live life again instead of just existing? I have to find out.
Ages 18+ due to adult situations and violence. Some situations may be difficult for some readers.

Shawn's Review

****4 Stars!!!****

Ms. Mooney has done it again!  She has successfully written a novel that is not only a page-turner, but forces the reader to think and to feel.  Liv’s existence is not the happiest of existences, but instead one of pain and struggle and ultimately a fight for survival.  Mooney has written two multi-layered characters, Liv and Abby into this story.  She takes us through a journey filled with heartache, physical pain and emotional chaos.  Is there romance? Yes. Are there hot guys? Yes. Are these things the foundation of this book?  No.  The reader shouldn’t go into Liv’s Existence expecting today’s typical love triangle, tons of steamy sex (although there is a little steamy sex…very hot indeed!) and a happily ever after.  No, this book is deeper and darker.  It’s focused on the survival of two women forced together by circumstance, but bound together by a genuine love and connection.  Mooney’s writing is solid, realistic, raw and has heart.  The tough part now will be waiting on Abby’s Survival, the second half of this powerhouse story.  
Buy Now
Liv Existence Cover
I walked into the kitchen and dumped the bottle down the sink. I started the coffee pot and made it strong. I was sure he hadn’t eaten anything, either, so I opened his fridge and started to make him something to eat. I ignored all the comments he made about my coming in as if he wanted me there, but I stopped cold at one comment.
“I used to think it was hard to compete with a ghost, but now that they are coming back in the flesh, I can’t compete with them at all, can I? All this time I’ve spent trying to save you and you were just lost, but they’ve found you now.”
I started taking out stuff for sandwiches and grabbed the bread on my way to the counter that he had his head on. I reached over and ran my fingers through his hair. “Kyle, there’s no competition for you to worry about. It’s just baggage from my past that I have to work through, but I am all yours.” I wanted it to be true, but I started to think about that kiss Johnny had given me before I left, and I was still confused. I needed to fix this with Kyle, though.
Kyle grabbed my wrist and pulled me around the counter to him. He hugged me close. “If that were only true, Livy. If that were only true.”
I hugged him back. “You haven’t called me Livy in a long time. I’ve missed it.”
He pulled back a little and looked in my eyes. “I have a confession to make.” I tilted my head and looked puzzled. “I haven’t been calling you anything. When I say Liv, it isn’t your name. After you bought those sleeping pills, I’ve been telling you to live every chance I can—especially at the more stressful or anxious times. It just worked out that it could be a play on your name.”
I looked at him as if I had never seen him before. It was as if I truly got him for the first time. I thought back to key times that he walked up to me and just said live. It had helped me, even if I thought he was just saying my name. I knew then I was completely in love with Kyle. I cupped his face and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Thank you for taking such good care of me even when I didn’t see it.” I hugged his neck tight. “I have confessions of my own to get out tonight, but I need you to sober up before we talk.” I pulled away, poured him a cup of coffee, and then started the sandwiches.
B.L. Mooney started writing when the voices and storylines in her head ran out of room. They were getting too cramped and neither B.L. nor the characters could take it anymore, so she did the only thing she could do--she made room. She always knew she wanted to write, but vowed to make time for it later. Now that she's made time for writing, most everything else falls to the wayside. That seems to suit the characters that keep popping up just fine.
B.L. lives in the Midwest and her other talents include in-demand cookies, a very dry sense of humor, and stealth eavesdropping. Some mannerisms, attitudes, or twists come from random sentences picked up while passing by strangers. So speak up the next time you have something to gossip about. You never know, it may just end up on the pages of the next book you read.
EJ Button

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spotlight Saturday Presents Iain McChesney

Meet Iain McChesney!

Iain is a writer of gothic mysteries.

He was born and raised in Scotland. He studied History and Geography at the University of Glasgow.

The World Wars left Iain’s family with generations of widows. As a result, Iain has always been interested in the tangible effects of history on family dynamics and in the power of narrative to awaken those long dead. For the characters in The Curse of Malenfer Manor, he drew on childhood reminiscences and verbal family history—though he hastens to add that his family had barely a penny, far less a manor, and any ghosts dwelt only in memory.

He lives in Vancouver, Canada, with his wife and two children.

A Little Q& A with Iain

Q:  What inspired you to write your first novel?
A: Ive always read and enjoyed different genres and what youd call the classics as well. That made it difficult at first. It wasnt like Id grown up all my life needing to write a cowboy book or anything. What drew me to write The Curse of Malenfer Manor a gothic novel is that it combined all those bits I liked best. A pinch of horror, a dash of supernatural, a sniff of the grisly, a stem of romance, a teaspoon of the dark soul in all of us. Setting civilized people in uncivilized times lets you talk about what matters in life without boring people to tears.

Q:  What books/authors have inspired your life most?

A: I like books that move. John Buchans The Thirty-Nine Steps, Ken Folletts Eye of the Needle. Dan Brown, whatever you think of him, you cant say his books dont move. I tried to keep that always in mind. Whenever I started rambling or getting flowery with description, Id tell myself to put it in gear. I like a lot of different authors, though. I tend to go for the classics, but I read in genres too. I remember finally reading Bram Stokers Dracula. By that point I had seen dozens of vampire films, seen vampires on TV, and read of them in other books. Stephen King, Anne Rice, Charlaine Harris were all good, but Stoker was the best. There was something of the old school gothic that really spoke to me. It was civilized and yet full of dread. Edgar Allen Poe, everyone should read him, and H.P. Lovecrafts short stories.

Q:  Whom would you consider a writing mentor(s)?

A: I dont belong to any writing classes and Im not in group therapy yet. I suppose I subscribe to the long lonely suffering school of pen craft which has a certain disdain for help.  That being said, I do bounce the occasional idea off trusted guides but writing is a path walked alone. 

Q: What book(s) are you reading now?

A: Im one of those sorts with a half stack of books on my bedside table, some of which I blaze through, others which takes me years. Its a fire hazard.  havent gone over to digital. I am reading (or not reading) Neal Stephensons The Diamond Age - a cyberpunk Victoriana nano-technology sci-fi thing that moves, Margaret MacMillans The War that Ended Peace about the realpolitik in Europe up to WWI (I got it for Christmas in luxurious hard back but isnt as good as her last one), it doesnt move, and Eleanor Cattons The Luminaries which won The Booker Prize this year (or was it last?) - Im having trouble getting into it.  Her stories are everywhere and tangled - usually something I like a lot. Im sticking with it. It seeps of the elusive worth

Q:  What are your current writing projects?

A: I was half way through a post-apocalyptic thing for Young Adults when Malenfer was accepted for publication.  That put it on hold (The Curse needed re-writes and that sort of thing).  Then instead of going back to it I ventured into another idea I had that was more in fitting with the gothic mystery genre. It is called The Calling (a working title). A remote Scottish Island in the 1920s, owned by a reclusive industrialist. A cast of curious characters arrive, invited, and pretty soon start to be murdered. The supernatural element remains, and there may be a cameo or two from some of the Malenfer Manor cast. One cant write mysteries and not be influenced by the late great Agatha Christie. Like baking a cake, it is at a tender stage. If I open the door it may fall flat.  (Note to self: dont open the door.)

Q: What would we find you doing when you're not at the keyboard?

A: When Im not hot air ballooning and wrestling alligators, Ive got two kids and a mortgage to feed. Writing is a part time job. Wrestling alligators whilst hot air ballooning is the ultimate high.

Q: What are your favorite setting(s) to read/write about?

A: Im a Baskin Robbins kind of reader and writer - do you have those stores where you are?  Its an ice cream shop.  99 flavours of anything.  Malenfer had cities and battlefields, but had many gothic elements which mystery books, horror stories, and forlorn romances share and enjoy.  A castle setting, or a big family home, preferably somewhere remote. The house is not a prop; it is a character itself. Its corridors are like arteries, its rooms are organs, and it keeps secrets and concocts schemes. It has a will. It suffers, or broods, along with its occupants something the weather seems to do too. That is one of my flavours.

Q:  If you could be any character in your book(s), which would you be and why?’

A: You spend a lot of time with all of them when you write them for a year. I consciously tried to make all of them flawed Im not one for perfect heroes so each of them annoy me a little. There was a time when I was writing the book about six months in when I had to make a major shift and the protagonist got switched. The ghost used to be the hero there is a ghost, you find that early on, so Im not giving too much away but it wasnt working. Partly because of that, my connection to the proper hero, Dermot, is not what the reader might think. Instead, I reserve my affections for the villains. After all this time I enjoy their company the most. If you read the book that should be enough for you to figure out who Id choose.

Q:  Im a potential new fan. Sell me your book in ten words or less.

A: Lost hero renewed by love, friendship, and revenge. And ghosts!

 Brandy Wants to Know

Top five favorite titles (these do not have to be favorite books)

Hi Brandy. Five favourite titles? Oooh, and not just books. Hard question. Okay, lets do it.  In no particular order:

Sergeant Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band - I mean, you just would have to pick that thing up.
Jaws - Onomatopoeic and to the point.
The Curse of (anything) - Fill in the blank, because curses are just so sexy.
Jude the Obscure - Gets you thinking. Obscure? Obscure bout what? Hardys agent was clearly a trailblazer of social media.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Dont forget to bring your towel.

Can I stop now?

Felicia Wants to Know

Top ten books turned to movies. But Ill go one step further and say it is my top ten books turned into movies that DID NOT SUCK.  Drumroll please.

Cloud Atlas
The Iliad / Troy (and I dont even go for Brad Pitts thighs).
Dracula - the Francis Ford Coppola version.
The Lord of the Rings
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Wizard of Oz
The Shining
The Big Sleep
The Maltese Falcon

Doh!  Ten already?  How could you read/watch those and not love books/movies?

Contact Iain

Wayzgoose Site Book Page:

The Curse of Malenfer Manor


Those in line to the Malenfer estate are succumbing to terrible ends - but is it a supernatural legacy at work, or something entirely more human and evil?

Young Irish mercenary Dermot Ward headed to Paris at the close of World War I, where he drinks to forget his experiences, especially the death of his comrade, Arthur Malenfer. But Arthur has not forgotten Dermot. Dead but not departed, Arthur has unfinished business and needs the help of the living.

Upon his arrival at Malenfer Manor, Dermot finds himself embroiled in a mystery of murder, succession, and ambition. Dermot falls in love with the youngest Malenfer, the beautiful fey Simonne, but in his way are Simonne’s mismatched fiancé, her own connections to the spirit world, Dermot’s overwhelming guilt over the circumstances of Arthur’s death… and the curse.

Purchase Links:

Amazon US:

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Review of The Lake by AnnaLisa Grant


At 17, Layla Weston is already starting over. Having lost both her parents and grandparents, and with nowhere else to go, Layla is moving from Florida to a small town in North Carolina to live with the only family she has left: her estranged uncle and aunt. The last five years of Layla’s life were spent appeasing her less- than-loving grandmother, followed by being her grandfather’s caretaker. Growing old before her time, Layla lost her identity, she must learn how to allow herself to be loved and cared for once again. Life takes an unexpected turn when Layla meets Will Meyer. His breathtaking good looks are enough to catch her eye, but his sincerity and passion are everything she needs to find the strength and confidence she lost — and lead her into love. When tragedy once again strikes Layla’s life, her hope is all but completely crushed. Through it all, Layla learns what it means to truly love and be loved.

About AnnaLisa Grant

AnnaLisa is the author of the YA series The Lake Trilogy (The Lake, Troubled Waters, Safe Harbor), as well as the NA novel Next to Me.

AnnaLisa received her Master's degree in counseling from Gorgon-Conwell Theology Seminary in 2008, and spent two years post graduate in private practice as a therapist.

When she's not writing, AnnaLisa is being a wife to Donavan and a mom to her son and daughter, as well as taking her obsession with all things Disney and helping create magical memories for families.

AnnaLisa lives in Matthews, North Carolina with her husband and two awesome kids.

Contact AnnaLisa:

Twitter: annalisagrant

Michele's Review~5 Stars!

Surprised myself at how much I enjoyed this novel, considering that the recommendation came from my 16 year old daughter, who never reads and has never been interested in reading. When she devoured the whole trilogy in 2 weeks, I decided I needed to check this out for myself and discover why. I eagerly anticipate having some free time to be able to read the next two novels in the series.

Written from the point of view of a 17 year old child, AnnaLisa Grant managed to capture and nuance the emotions and thought processes of a girl of this age; from her guilt about the accident that claimed her parent’s lives, to her perception of her grandparents feelings about her. These feelings are on par with someone who has been through awful tragedy in those tender formative years; they are all feelings that I have experienced personally from the loss of my father at a young age. 

I am completely blown away, not just from the emotion conveyed, but from the superb story line, the complex twisting plot, and the breathless anticipation of a beautiful love story.  AnnaLisa Grant, thank you for such an amazing story and for grasping not only my daughter’s attention but mine as well!  5 stars!