The Me You See
Shay Ray Stevens
October 14, 2014
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.
Wait. I'm...dead.
And now they will never see the truth. Because when you're dead, you are only the stories that people tell about you. This is the story of me. This is the story of the me you see.
After six people are shot at a small town community theater, people gather to attend the funeral of one of the victims: seventeen-year-old Stefia. As those who knew Stefia best privately share their memories of her, we discover a collective picture of a girl everyone loved but no one really knew.
Who was Stefia? Who knew her best? And why was she targeted in the shooting?
Enter stage right and prepare for the dark brilliance found in Author Shay Ray Stevens' gripping new novel THE ME YOU SEE. Ms. Stevens will captivate you as she explores the tainted shadows hiding in plain sight on the stage of life.
When shadows are scattered by spotlight, who will you choose to see?
Wait. I'm...dead.
And now they will never see the truth. Because when you're dead, you are only the stories that people tell about you. This is the story of me. This is the story of the me you see.
After six people are shot at a small town community theater, people gather to attend the funeral of one of the victims: seventeen-year-old Stefia. As those who knew Stefia best privately share their memories of her, we discover a collective picture of a girl everyone loved but no one really knew.
Who was Stefia? Who knew her best? And why was she targeted in the shooting?
Enter stage right and prepare for the dark brilliance found in Author Shay Ray Stevens' gripping new novel THE ME YOU SEE. Ms. Stevens will captivate you as she explores the tainted shadows hiding in plain sight on the stage of life.
When shadows are scattered by spotlight, who will you choose to see?
Meet & Connect With Shay Ray Stevens
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Dauntless Indies Sit Down with Shay Ray
DI ~ What inspired you to write your first novel?
SRS ~ The first one that was
published, or the first one I wrote? I can’t even remember the first novel I
wrote. I think I came out of the womb writing. I’ve been filling notebooks,
floppy disks, and external hard drives with tales since I was itty bitty.
But my first published novel, Lost: One Pair of Rose Colored Glasses, was
inspired by real life. It was based on my first year of marriage. Did stuff in
that book actually happen in real life? Yeah. How much of it? That’s between
hubby and me. ;)
DI ~ What books/authors have inspired your life most?
SRS ~ Stephen King’s On Writing was totally inspiring. It is
also the only book I have ever re-read.
More recently - Gillian Flynn’s Sharp Objects. I was completely
captivated by how a nice, sweet author had crafted this completely twisted,
dark tale. I totally got that story. I loved it. And Ms. Flynn just seems like
a lovely person, so that gave me proof that even nice, lovely people can write
stuff that isn’t necessarily nice and lovely.
Thirdly, and oddly enough, is Fifty Shades of Grey, which I have never
read past the first chapter. But the book still inspired me because I’ve seen
people react to that book. People who I would have assumed wouldn’t touch that
subject matter with a 100 foot pole were suddenly discussing it in the open –
like during coffee hour at church. It helped me stop being so scared about
diving into the words I’d been hiding, the stuff I really wanted to write
about, because it proved to me that people are reading a whole lot of stuff
that they might not readily admit to right off the bat.;)
DI ~ What book(s) are you reading now?
SRS ~ The last two books I finished
were Remember When by T. Torrest and Trouble by Non Pratt.
DI ~ Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
SRS ~ I have a lot of luck on Twitter
finding new authors to read in genres outside what I normally indulge in. I’m
enjoying Scott Burtness (Wisconsin Vamp), Adam Dreece (The Yellow Hood series)
and D.Emery Bunn (Darkness Concealed), just to name a few.
DI ~ What are your current writing projects?
SRS ~ I’m starting work on a new
mystery-ish novel called The Visit.
DI ~ What would we find you doing when you're not at the
SRS ~ I live on a small farm in MN so
if I’m not writing, I’m taking care of the animals that live in my big red
built-in-1918 barn. I tried writing in the hayloft a few times but found out
it’s really easy to fall asleep in a pile of hay.
You also might find me snuggling
with the really tall guy I’m married to or hanging out with the two tween sons
who are almost taller than me. If I’m not at the computer, I’m happiest
outdoors. I’m really a very simple gal.
DI ~ If you could be any character in your book(s), which would
you be and why?
SRS ~ I’m already lot like the
characters in my books for various reasons, so I don’t feel like choosing a
character to be like would be different than what I already am. I will say,
though, that my favorite character in TMYS is Elliot.
Top ten books
If I had to choose right now?
Hmmmm…in no particular order:
Me and Emma by
Elizabeth Flock
The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Johnathan Safran Foer
Sharp Objects by
Gillian Flynn
Trouble by Non
Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
On Writing by
Stephen King
The Forest for the Trees by Betsy Lerner
Forever Ours by
Janis Amatuzio
DI ~ What does writing preparation look like for you? Do you do
full outlines and character profiles, or do you just start with a general idea
and write?
SRS ~ I start a book with an itty
bitty idea of where it will end. The more I write, the more the story takes
shape. I’ve tried planning out stories and following rigid outlines but I find,
at least for me, it’s too constricting. I’ve found a balance between saying “I
think this is where the story is going” but not being completely afraid when
some character shows up and throws things out of whack. I’m a little loony that
way. The characters know the story. I just need to get out of their way and let
them tell it.
DI ~ Editing is a challenge for many writers. Give us some of
your tips for editing efficiently and well.
SRS ~ Hire someone else to do it for
you. ;) Okay, only half kidding. I do have an awesome editor (Todd Barselow)
who I can’t say enough about. My secret for editing before I send it off to
Todd - when I think I have everything “perfect”, I read through the entire
manuscript OUTLOUD while PACING. There’s something about reading the words
aloud that helps me to find errors, and the movement during the process…well, I
don’t know. Maybe it’s just a quirk, but it works for me. J
DI ~ Research is another challenge writers face, but is an
important part of the writing process. What are some of your research tips?
SRS ~ Be sure to clear your browser’s
history. ;)
DI ~ If you have been published (self or traditionally), what
type of marketing did you find worked the best for you? What was the least
SRS ~ I think a lot of people dislike
marketing as an author because a) they have to talk about themselves and b)
they have some false idea that marketing always translates to fast sales. When
it doesn’t (and it rarely does) they think they’ve failed.
I stopped stressing out about
marketing when I realized it takes time to build a name as an author. I don’t
believe in overnight success stories. It takes time to write a book. It takes
time for people to know who you are. Be yourself and get to know people,
connect with them over things that aren’t necessarily book related and you will
find the world is a big wide place that makes things happen.
DI ~ What genre do you write in? What are some of the challenges
to writing this particular genre well?
SRS ~ I started in romcom, but The Me
You See is mystery/psychological thriller. I really like mystery/PT. I think some of the challenge of writing in
mystery or PT is that you have to have a good twist. The problem with having a
good twist is that after a few books, people start looking for the twist. I remember watching one of M. Night
Shyamalan’s later movies, not being far into it, and already trying to figure
out what the twist was going to be. Sometimes the search for the twist can be
distracting to the heart of the story.
DI ~ What advice would you give to a writer who is starting out?
SRS ~ If you feel like you have to
write, then by all means, write. Realize, however, that publishing a book is a
business. The challenge is in combining the two.
DI ~ What are your writing, editing, marketing, and research
goals for 2014-2015?
SRS ~ My 2015 *goal* is to release two
more mystery/psychological thrillers: The
Visit and Brother
Michele's Review
This novel was quite a departure for Shay Ray Stevens.
Having read two of her earlier books, I was anticipating the snarky wit, biting
humor, and gut busting laughter that accompanied Lost: One Pair of Rose Colored Glasses and Found: One Craving for Everything.
What I got was The Me You See, a
dark, twisted, deep, suspenseful, edge of your seat thriller.
I applaud you Ms. Stevens. This book, while dark in its
subject matter was a stark reminder of not only our humanity, but that of those
around us. The story centers on a girl named Stefia, a girl whose life ended
too young, as told by those around her. Not just those who loved her, but those
who despised her as well, and one could argue, those who failed her. Each gave
a unique perspective on the perception of her life, in her short time on earth;
how she touched many lives, both good and bad. But no one saw the real Stefia, not even the
reader. The narrative is a testimony to
the fact that, no matter what you see, you don’t see me.
A fast paced roller coaster of emotions not describable in
words, but I will try. I imagine this is what riding in the front car, hands in
the air, on the largest, steepest, fastest drop imaginable, in the pouring rain
would feel like. If I could give this more than 5 stars, I would not
hesitate. I highly recommend! Be warned, it will keep you up late at night
and rip your heart out, stomp it to bits and give it back a bruised mess. 5 Big
Bright and Shiny Stars!
Also by Shay Ray Stevens
Lost: One Pair of Rose Colored Glasses (romantic comedy)
Emily Swanson has finally married her knight in shining armor, but there's just one problem: she seems to have lost her pair of rose colored glasses.
Can Emily survive the first year of marriage without them? How can she endure the (mis)communication of hint language or the in-laws who forget to knock? Is it possible to still love a man who can't follow a shopping list? And how in the world did she end up with someone who won't cut down a Christmas tree?
Emily struggles to stay lovely and sweet while dealing with a late honeymoon, her husband's new puppy, and the newfound paranoia that everything makes her look fat. But with tricks from Mother and the Cult of Married Women (along with a whole lot of sass), Emily soon learns how to keep her sanity and carry on.
Kick off your heels, grab a glass of wine, and laugh along as Emily Swanson discovers the realities of life together in marriage that are quickly revealed when the rose colored glasses come off.
Found: One Craving for Everything (romantic comedy)
"I'm not pregnant!" I said again, because I liked the way it sounded flying out of my mouth.
"I'll bet you ten bucks you're having a baby," Ben laughed, his face glowing with excitement and pride.
"Oh yeah? I'll bet you twenty bucks I'm not!"
I mean, really. What did Ben know about pregnancy anyway? He didn't even have boobs.
EMILY SWANSON unexpectedly finds herself pregnant after three years of marriage and without warning is launched into nine months of twists and turns on the journey to motherhood.
Why is she craving orange juice and cheese curls? Will she ever stop crying? Does she really need to buy maternity underwear? Are breasts for fun...or for feeding? Why are all the baby names her husband suggests completely stupid? And must she give up her Bedroom Goddess sash just because she's turned on her internal Easy Bake Oven?
Life is tough in the Pregnant Twilight Zone. Will Emily survive?
Yes. But only with the help of chocolate raspberry ice cream.
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